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Reader Review of the Month - April

Save the best until Helghast.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Yes, it's that time again! Time for the Eurogamer editorial staff to trawl through the many excellent reader reviews you've submitted, quaking in our boots as we pray the bossman remains ignorant of the fact you do this stuff better and for free.

This month's top picks include a review of Dragon Age II by SilentTristero. Also highly commended is Kami's take on Pokemon Black.

But the overall winner is...

BOBBYLUPO's review of Killzone 3

The full review is well worth reading, but here's a taster:

"Instead of a nightmarish tour through a dusty, wind-swept rock, we get to visit other areas that appear to have been pulled out of the 'Obvious Ideas' drawer, such as a bit with snow and a jungle that – through its spaghetti plants – features the least convincing display of stealth since Shinobi proudly declared himself the world's least successful ninja..."

Eurogamer deputy editor Ellie Gibson picked the winner this month. Here's what she had to say for herself:

"You can't fault SilentTristero's Dragon Age II review when it comes to comprehensive, in-depth analysis. And I thoroughly enjoyed Kami's Pokemon Black piece - a mature, intelligent take on what is so often dismissed as a game for kiddywinks.

"BOBBYLUPO won out though, and not just because he managed to get the word "priapism" AND a nob gag in the first few paragraphs. His review rattles along, packed with sharp observations, smart comparisons and bold statements. Also: "toss-pipes"."

Well done, BOBBYLUPO. A prize is forthcoming.

Reckon you could do better? Go on then, submit your own reader review. Best of luck, sunshine.

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