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Quantic Dream's new game revealed at E3 - report

Press square to Kara?

Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream will reveal its upcoming game at Sony's E3 press conference next Monday, according to a new report.

"A trusted senior development source" told CVG the Parisian developer is making not one but two games for Sony, though it's unclear if both are for PlayStation 3.

In March, Quantic Dream founder David Cage revealed a seven minute video called Kara designed to demonstrate the engine and motion capture techniques that will be seen in the studio's next title.

Cage was er, cagey, on the details of his next game, but he assured Eurogamer it will aim towards a mature audience.

"What we're trying to create is really interactive entertainment for an adult audience," he said.

"We don't pretend that we're cleverer than anyone else - but there are so many games out there that provide limited entertainment, and we try to make something for a more mature audience.

"You can reach this mass of people who don't play, or who play less through casual gaming or family gaming. What we try do is convince them to play again by giving them some adult content, some adult experiences and saying this is for you guys. It's for people expecting something else from gaming than just fun and adrenaline."

Sony declined to comment when contacted by Eurogamer.

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