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Q*Bert Rebooted is coming to PlayStation platforms

Includes both the classic version and a retooled hexagon-based pyramid.

Q*Bert Rebooted is heading to PS4, PS3 and Vita, Sony has announced.

Released last summer on Steam, this modern update takes the whacky, possibly tourettes-plagued, hero of the 1982 arcade game and places him in a pyramid comprised of - get this- hexagons.

Madness, right?

"Suddenly, you get some really interesting level designs, especially later in the game," said developer Loot Entertainment's product manager Jason Sorensen on the PlayStation Blog.

Additionally, there are new enemies, power-ups, traps and playable characters in addition to time and score challenges.

If hexagons aren't your bag, fear not! For Q*Bert Rebooted will contain the original classic game as well.

"Everything that was awesome is still awesome," Sorensen stated. "Q*Bert endures because, like all of the best designs from that era, it's straightforward, memorable, and timelessly challenging. Whether you played it yesterday or 30 years ago, Q*Bert classic is just as engaging as it was when it came out."

For more on Q*Bert, we recently took a look back at its inception with the game's creator Warren Davis - a man who currently makes a living as an actor and stage director in Hollywood.

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