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PS3 Slim in September, price cut now

€299 for either, 120GB HDD in new one.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has officially announced the new slim PlayStation 3 and said it will be available in the first week of September worldwide.

It will cost €299, $299 and 29,980 yen, and has a 120GB hard disk inside. That price will also apply to the original PS3 as of tomorrow.

Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai, at gamescom for the announcement, said it was 32 per cent smaller, 36 per cent lighter and consumes 34 per cent less power.

There was no word on connectivity and any other technical features, but we'll hopefully be able to dig those up following the conference.

The new PS3 is simply the new PS3, with no funky-sounding name, which presumably explains why ASDA reckons Sony's discontinuing the old one.

Eurogamer's Ellie Gibson, covering the conference live, described the new model PS3 as "thin and square and matte, not fat and shiny and piano-y like the old one, but still curved".

Sony took this picture during the conference.

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