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Prey 2 to show Portal a thing or two

Scott Miller talks up Radar Group.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Scott Miller has spoken out on the sequel to first-person shooter Prey.

He was detailing the fresh ideas that production company Radar Group have come up with, suggesting Prey 2 will take the idea of portals even further than, ah, Portal.

"While Prey pioneered the portal concept, Valve's Portal took it to an all-new level." Scott Miller told IGN. "It really shows what you can do when you focus on a single core cool gameplay concept.

"So, while Portal impressed the heck out of us, it has also inspired us to return the favour to Valve and hopefully leap frog them as they did us. We believe we have new ideas for portals that will keep the portal race interesting."

The action will once again focus on Tommy, but he will have realised his hero status from the outset and be comfortable saving the galaxy from nasty aliens.

Boasts for the sequel include more enemies on screen simultaneously as well as more variety and wide-open areas. Think Call of Duty 4 as a template, apparently, which we thought was rather corridor in its approach.

The other Radar games announced are Earth No More and Incarnate. The former is about a virus that makes nature go berserk and start wiping out humankind. It's a reaction to our years of misusing the planet.

It will have a deep story and could make a rather good film, apparently, and is in development at Finland-based developer Recoil Games.

"I think this is the most exciting game to come from that country, as it really tackles an important subject we just don't see in our industry," claimed Miller, suggesting it will outshine Remedy creation Alan Wake.

Incarnate, on the other hand, is similar to Assassin's Creed in outlook and will have you bounding across Chicago rooftops hunting down reincarnated souls of evil people like Hitler, possibly.

This is written by The Cooler author Frank Hannah and encapsulates Radar's unique outlook, according to Miller.

Earth No More was thought to be the first brand-new IP to arrive from Radar, but apparently there are two other original projects that will be released first.

Radar Group is currently focusing on "cutting-edge" hardware such as PC, PS3 and 360. It has no plans for Wii, DS or PSP titles as yet, but is not ruling it out for the future.

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