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PlayStation Phone is "definitely real"

Is codenamed Zeus, reports say.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The PlayStation Phone that was called "definitely fake" yesterday is actually "definitely real", new reports suggest.

Leaping to its defence was - no surprise here - publisher of the original gallery and report, Endgadget. What's interesting this time is that blog VG247 backed the news with a "watertight" source.

Endgadget argued that the PS Phone story had been verified by "multiple, trusted sources", and that more loose-lippers had come forward since the original story was published. Fresh information revealed the internal codename for the device as Zeus.

Discrepancies in the gallery published yesterday - such as on-screen prompts for buttons A and B rather than PlayStation familiars X and O - were put down to it being a prototype running early versions of software.

Endgadget went on to claim that the project was so secretive that even employees at Sony "wouldn't be privy to information on the phone, the marketplace and the collaboration with Google".

That apparently explains why Sony changed tack from "definitely fake" to "we don't comment on rumour and speculation".

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