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PlayStation All Stars pushed back a month

But still arriving before the world ends.

Brand-name brawler PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale has been pushed back a month to 23rd November in the UK and Ireland, while the rest of Europe gets it on the 21st, Australia on the 22nd and North America beats everyone to the punch by getting it 20th November.

It was previously announced for the fourth week of October.

"This will enable us to spend more time polishing, tuning and incorporating some of the great feedback from the current limited beta to ensure we are creating the best possible fighting game experience," said developer SuperBot Entertainment president Chan Park on the PlayStation Blog.

"While it is our greatest desire to put this game into the hands of our fans as soon as possible, we do not want to do so at the sake of quality. We feel the additional time will be well worth the wait, and are excited to know that our fans will have the ultimate brawler in time for the holiday."

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