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PlayStation 5 media remote has Disney+, Netflix and Spotify buttons

Apple TV confirmed for console launch.

Sony has unveiled an official PlayStation 5 media remote, which has dedicated buttons for four top streaming services: Disney+, Netflix, Spotify and YouTube.

PlayStation 5 will support these four services plus Twitch and Apple TV when the console launches, Sony confirmed today. The news follows previous reports Apple TV was being made available for the first time on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Sony has a separate list of apps coming to PS5 which it does not specifically confirm for the console's launch date. These include Amazon Prime Video, MyCanal, Hulu and Peacock.

As we saw in last week's PlayStation 5 UI reveal, the console now has separate home screen tabs for your games and for your entertainment apps, keeping the two completely apart.

Sony's media remote will allow you to switch to your TV, adjust volume and navigate the console's UI, as well as pause, rewind and fast forward whatever you're watching.

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