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Viral Dishonored Google Chrome game looks good, but isn't

Update: It's been removed.

Update: The viral website has been removed, as has the YouTube video advertising it. Bethesda couldn't tell us why, but I can only imagine there are two possible explanations: one, it's been terminated permanently because it's not very good; or two, it wasn't quite finished.

Given the lack of a press-release fanfare yesterday, I'd side with the latter explanation. Maybe the website wasn't yet meant for widespread public attention.

Original story: There's a curious new Dishonored browser game available for Google Chrome users that teases the revelation of more information about the eerie supernatural powers the game's assassin protagonist wields.

"Your hand bears the mark of The Outsider - a gift that makes you a powerful supernatural assassin. Enter the world of The Outsider and see where your powers came from," the blurb reads.

Coooool!. No, it isn't. Do not bother.

It's handsome, granted - a good replication ("interpretation", as the site calls it) of the look of the main Dishonored game, albeit in a floaty supernatural area.

But it's also as boring as a politician, and worse to control. By far the best bit was a vertically orientated, floating whale.

The grand sum of the viral game involved collecting four tokens (one a hidden extra) and watching four identical videos that told me next to nothing about this Outsider bloke. Whether the videos were all supposed to be the same, I don't know.

Loading the game took more than 10 minutes on a fast internet connection.

If you still fancy a go, head to the RevengeAtHand website. You can die as many times as you like.

There's a video below summarising the supernatural area of The Void, but made with gameplay clips from the full Dishonored game.

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