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Pendulo Studios crowdsourcing "satire with a conscience" Day One

"A dark comedy about corruption, easy money, immorality, politics, death, DRMs and other curses of our time!"

Pendulo Studios - the Spanish indie developer that brought us The Next Big Thing and Yesterday - is attempting to fund its next game Day One through crowdsourcing via Gamesplanet Lab.

The teaser trailer - shown below - is a bizarre fourth wall-breaking scene depicting Day One's protagonist Ethan pitching his own game.

"It's just too... weird" an off-screen publisher tells him.

And weird it is. Pendulo described Day One as "a satire with a conscience" and "a dark comedy about corruption, easy money, immorality, politics, death, DRMs and other curses of our time!"

The mysterious premise follows terminally ill man named Ethan whose doctor tells him he has less than 24 hours to live. Upon returning home, he finds a capsule with note saying, "'This will keep you alive 24 extra hours. Come to Paris for more. We'll find you.'"

Pendulo said Day One will have, "gorgeous 2D graphics, colorful characters, great cinematics, wonderful atmosphere and music, crafted puzzles, intricate stories, witty dialogues, tons of humor, crazy references to all kind of culture and media products... But this time, we'll make them matter."

£10/$15 pledges function as a "glorified pre-order," where users will be rewarded a DRM-free download of Day One upon release, while a donation of £40/$60 will allow users to submit content that Pendulo will place in the game at its discretion, along with access to the beta.

As of writing this, Pendulo has ascertained €20,274 of its €300,000 goal. It has 57 days left until the deadline on 7th September.

If successfully funded, Day One will appear on PC and Mac due sometime in 2013.

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