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Peculiar B&W stop-motion musical adventure Dominique Pamplemousse gets a demo

Esoteric crowdsourced indie needs more funding.

A demo has surfaced for black-and-white stop-motion musical point-and-click detective adventure Dominique Pamplemousse.

The full title - Dominique Pamplemousse in "It's All Over Once the Fat Lady Sings!" - is about a gender ambiguous detective who's one rent payment away from homelessness when they accept a case to track down a missing pop star for a music industry tycoon. Things go belly up when Dominique winds up framed for a crime they didn't commit and their mysterious past begins to unravel.

Shockingly this isn't the next Activision or EA triple A blockbuster, but rather the work of former Hothead Games programmer and indie game creator Deirdra Kiai. Kiai is no stranger to indie game development as she's made a ton of free games over the course of a decade. Kiai noted her work often deals with such personal issues as "feminism, race, gender, coming of age and social awkwardness."

Highlights include Life Flashes By, The Play, and my personal favourite, Chivalry is Not Dead, a point-and-click adventure/choice-making Walking Dead/Heavy Rain-type thing satirising class struggles and oppression. It stars an assassin who wears a paper bag over their head.

Dominique Pamplemousse is being crowdsourced on Indiegogo. Currently Kiai has $2955 of her $9500 goal funded with only 15 days left before the 31st August deadline.

Backers will get their name in the credits for $1, a copy of the game for $5, an additional "director's cut" soundtrack for $10, early beta access for $40 and Kiai will make a personalised short film/musical for you for $950.

The game is slated to appear on PC, Mac and iPad. No release date has been announced, but when pressed for comment Kiai told us, "If the Indiegogo campaign gets fully funded, I'm shooting for the end of this year. If not, likely longer."

In the meantime, check out the browser-based Dominique Pamplemousse demo here or watch the trailer below.

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