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Peace Walker to get PS3 release?

Konami gauging interest.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Konami appears to be gauging interest in a PS3 version of PSP game Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

Gamepro said publisher reps were quizzing attendees of a recent press event about the allure of Peace Walker on PSN with PS3 online multiplayer. The publisher-people even wrote down answers, apparently.

Kojima Productions already has a new, fully-fledged Metal Gear Solid console game in development in the shape of Metal Gear Solid: Rising.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker features four-player co-op and will be released in Europe this June.

MGS: Rising has no official date and is unlikely to be released this year, given the amount we've seen and heard so far - i.e. not a lot.

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