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Paperboy tribute uses Oculus Rift, Kinect, and a bike

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Is this the future of video games, or the past? One developer has crafted a video game tribute to 1984 arcade classic Paperboy using an Oculus Rift, Kinect and a pedal bike.

PaperDude VR allows you to experience the pixelated world of Paperboy in first-person - and now in 3D - while wearing the Oculus Rift VR headset.

You can throw the game's virtual newspapers yourself - and indeed, create any form of arm movement - thanks to Kinect, which will track the movement of your upper body.

Finally, your speed and cadence on a nearby pedal bike - which you ride the whole time you're playing - is clocked and sent via KickR, a bluetooth-enabled exercise device.

The game itself was built by video game and interactive experience developer Globacore using Unity, with 3D assets created in 3D Studio and textured via Photoshop.

See it in action below.

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