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Outside Xbox: Five Skyrim quests that would be better with multiplayer

Also this week: James Hills' State of Decay diary.

Hello Eurogamers, thank heavens you made it to safety. Any longer outside in this pan-European heatwave and you would probably have melted into a gloopy human puddle. Far better to stay indoors and watch videos about video games. Videos we can, entirely coincidentally, provide for you.

When there are online worlds such as Tamriel to explore, we won't need to go outside at all. Forthcoming next-gen game The Elder Scrolls Online hopes to bottle Skyrim's lightning (and firebolt, and summon undead) in the massively multiplayer online format. Given that the single most requested feature in recent The Elder Scrolls games has been co-op multiplayer, it's a tantalising prospect. One we explore in more detail in Show of the Week.

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Regular visitors to Eurogamer might remember the Day Z video diaries from zombie survival expert James Hills. With Xbox 360 enjoying its own zombie survival phenomenon, State of Decay, we thought it was high time we put his skills to the test again.

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Finally, we've had more time to digest that astonishing Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer and are now able to furnish you with a definitive list of reasons why GTA5 is going to knock GTA4 into a cocked hat.

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Elsewhere, we play dreadful Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines wannabe Dark and, in theatrically confrontational fashion, proclaim games better than this summer's blockbuster movies. Keen to keep up with our daily videos on Outside Xbox? Then toddle over and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Otherwise, we'll see you (or a sunburnt approximation of you) here the same time next week.

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