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Now Death Stranding is out, Kojima's thoughts are turning back to horror

Horrific news.

Death Stranding creator Hideo Kojima has revealed he's watching horror movies again with a view to making "the scariest horror game".

In a tweet on his personal Twitter account, Kojima admitted that whilst developing P.T. - the playable teaser that turned out to be a secret announcement for an all-new Silent Hill game, Silent Hills - he rented Thai horror The Eye but it was "too scary to finish watching". He also admitted that he was so scared by the cover, he "rented the disc only".

"As to make the scariest horror game, I'll watch the scary movies in order to awaken my horror soul," Kojima tweeted (thanks, VG24/7). "THE EYE is the Thai horror movie I rent when making PT but was too scary to finish watching. The package is scary so I rented the disc only. Will I be able to finish watching?"

The interesting bit here is that Kojima's readily admitting he's trying to "awaken [his] horror soul". Does this mean Kojima's next project will see him revisit his terrifying early collaboration with pals Guillermo del Toro and Junji Ito? It won't be Silent Hill per se, of course - Silent Hill remains a Konami IP, and Kojima parted from the company, very publicly, several years back - but it looks like something horrifying might be on its way. Watch this space, eh...

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