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No Minerva's Den for PC BioShock 2

Protector Trials scrapped too.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

PC BioShock 2 users will not get to play the recent Minerva's Den DLC expansion, or the Protector Trials pack, 2K Marin has announced.

In a post on the 2K forums, a spokesperson for the studio said, "We will not be offering Protector Trials and Minerva's Den on the PC in the future – and I want to say that I'm sorry for the disappointment this will cause to PC players out there."

Vague "timing and technical issues" were the only excuses offered.

The bad news doesn't end there. "We will not be adding vending machine sounds into any version of BioShock 2 and we will not be adding playlists for the multiplayer DLC maps," the post goes on to explain.

"We are planning patches for the 360 and PS3 to fix some functionality issues, but they will not drastically change gameplay."

Minerva's Den launched on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 last month, with Protector's Trials arriving back in August.

Looks like PC gamers' next BioShock fix will be BioShock Infinite, due some time in 2012.

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