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Giant X360s appear in Japan

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Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It seems Microsoft is determined to ensure that Xbox 360 proves more popular than its predecessor did over in Japan, as recent ventures such as the Xbox 360 lounge have suggested.

A pic of what the statues will look like, with thanks to Gamewatch.

And now they're erecting four giant Xbox 360 statues in cities across Japan in a bid to catch gamers' attention, as spotted by Japanese website Gamewatch.

The statues, which will be unveiled later this week, are 12 feet tall and feature a 65 inch screen which plays 360 game trailers. They're being erected in the cities of Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo and Fukuoka, and will remain standing for one week after launch day on December 10th.

What will happen to them after that is anyone's guess - but we've already emailed Microsoft with a suggestion and are clearing some space in the lounge.

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