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Painkiller demo soon

Game's slipped though.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Although we don't normally comment on the launch of official game websites (unless they're, you know, really blindingly good, which isn't often), the newly launched home for those keen on DreamCatcher/People Can Fly's Painkiller offers more than just a few downloadable MP3s, trailers, wallpaper and feature lists (though it does have those).

Amongst the items of new information on the page are a revised release date for the game, which had been expected to appear in March. The game is now set for a US release in April, and a European one soon after, with the Xbox incarnation of the game due in the second quarter.

Perhaps more immediately exciting is the news that we'll be getting our hands on a demo soon, too. Clicking "Downloads" and "Demo" offers more than just the usual "coming soon" apology - here we have a target date, February 16th, and for anybody interested in leading an angry soul on a path of destruction through Purgatory no less, it's a date to note down.

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