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This And That: Wednesday News Roundup

(Updated throughout the day.) Drakengard/Dead Aim dev seeks Xbox staff, Armored Core details, Arc the Lad could be going online.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The Japanese developer of games including Resident Evil: Dead Aim and Drakengard is looking for staff to work on a new Xbox title according to a Japanese recruitment website. Cavia, which is a subsidiary of Amuse Capital Group (the same firm that owns Blinx developer Artoon, and Scarab), is seeking programmers with 3D games and C/C++ experience, directors, game designers, CG designers and PS2 programmers. We reckon they are working on a game involving time travelling dragon zombies. Actually, we don't.

Japanese retailers are reportedly saying that Armored Core: Nine Breaker, which From Software trailed earlier this week, will be released in Japan on the PS2 this October 28th. The game apparently focuses on the training and arena elements of the mech series, with 150 training missions, randomly generated enemies and more.

Another random report from Japan suggests that Arc the Lad Generations will be fully online, with support for up to eight players, co-operative play and four versus four competitive play. Few other details have been released, other than a November 4th Japanese release date. We'll let you know if Sony says anything on the subject.

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