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Valve confirms August HL2 submission date

"We are planning to deliver a release candidate to Vivendi in August," says Doug Lombardi, confirming comments from Gabe Newell suggesting there's less than a fortnight to go.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Valve Software is hoping to deliver a Half-Life 2 release candidate to publisher Vivendi this August, MD Gabe Newell and Director of Marketing Doug Lombardi have both confirmed this past week.

Speaking somewhere in Half-Life 2 fan site land, Newell described the situation at Valve. "Right now we are looking at our bug numbers," he explained. "Each day you fix some bugs and you find some new bugs. The net number tells you how quickly you will get to zero."

"At our current rate of find/fix bugs, we'll be down to zero bugs in 16 days," he commented early last week. Sounding too good to be true, we sought out marketing man Doug Lombardi for confirmation. "Yes, that post was from Gabe," he told us, before reiterating the developer's plans.

"Regarding HL2, we are planning to deliver a release candidate to Vivendi in August and we're hoping to see the product on store shelves this fall but we do not have a confirmed ship date at this time," he said via email. Just in time to catch anyone coming down from the Doom experience, we would have thought.

September 30th, anyone?

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