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WWE SmackDown! for PSP

First details revealed.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's been confirmed that Yuke's is currently developing WWE SmackDown! Vs. RAW 2006 for the PSP.

THQ creative director Cory Ledesma told US website IGN that the game will be "pretty much comparable to the PS2 version," but that both versions will feature exclusive content.

Around "60-80 match types" are promised, including the much touted Buried Alive battle. There's no word yet on which wrestlers we'll see in the game, but Ledesma did say the line-up for SmackDown! PSP "will actually be the same exact size if not slightly bigger than the PS2 game's."

"It really comes down to the fact that since you are getting a bigger product on the console, we want to offer something special for the smaller-scale PSP users," he explained.

"As to whom the exclusive superstar is, you can expect them to be very important and worthwhile. Don't expect a HEAT or Velocity main eventer in that role, either."

All the usual backstage nonsense will be in there, along with full season modes, Create-A-Superstar and Create-A-Championship modes. There may be PSP-exclusive storylines, too, but nothing's been confirmed.

Rather interestingly, you'll be able to create a character on your PSP and upload them to your PS2 or vice versa, as well as swapping profile stats between the two machines. And "You'll be able to uncover special secrets hidden on the PS2 version by connecting the PSP version to it - and that will be the only way to get them," Ledesma revealed.

Expect wireless four-player battles and plenty of multiplayer match types, including tag, handicap, ladder and table, and a control system that's a little simpler than that in the console game. That's not to say it's been easy to design, however.

"Since we use the shoulder buttons a lot, it's hard remapping the L2/R2 buttons to other controls... It's been our biggest challenge," Ledesma said.

"The end result will probably be double button presses."

But be not afraid - "We feel really confident that the PSP control scheme will work really well," he added.

WWE SmackDown! Vs. RAW 2006 is due out in the US this autumn, so expect a European release by Christmas. You can read the full interview with Cory Ledesma on IGN.

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