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American Cube release dates

Fire Emblem, Pokémon, DDR.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

October is set to be a busy month for GameCube owners in America and *cough cough* those of us who import things with three of Nintendo's bigger Cube titles now cemented on the release schedule.

The one we're likely to be most interested in is the US version of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Intelligent Systems' first GameCube take on the cult strategy-RPG series, due out on October 17th. Released in Japan earlier this year, it's highly stylised and extremely promising, and the translated demo sections on display at the E3 trade event in May held our fanboyistic attention longer than virtually anything else.

More interesting for those of us without a Fire Emblem fetish is the news that Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness - the first proper GameCube Pokémon RPG - will be out in the States on October 3rd.

Finally, Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, the Cube's first stab at a dancing game - as part of the series better known to European gamers as Dancing Stage - will be out on October 24th.

We're still waiting for a firm date for several other Cube titles, including the big one, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, which is still listed as "Holiday 2005" by Nintendo of America and similarly in Europe.

However Nintendo has already announced that n-Space's long overdue spectral first-person shooter Geist will be released in the States on August 15th, followed by Advance Wars spin-off Battalion Wars on September 19th.

Mario Party 7, meanwhile, is set to come out in November, although as many of you know we tend to subscribe to VG Cats' take on this sort of thing.

As soon as we have firm European dates for the above, we'll let you know.

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