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Game & Watch DS game

For Japanese loyalty schemers.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Club Nintendo, the Japanese version of our rubbish Stars Catalogue (you know, the scheme that lets us spend our loyalty points on desktop wallpapers and occasionally, if we're lucky, whatever they have lying around in the basement), has been updated again and the treats are almost enough to make us cry.

Just look at them. Because if the cute little DS game holder, books and cards aren't enough to make your little jaw buckle under the pressure of disappointment, then the inclusion of what's - as far as we can work out - a ridiculously exclusive DS version of Game & Watch games ought to send you over the edge.

It costs 500 points, and as far as we can work out we will never, ever own it. This makes us very sad. So we're going to go and binge-purchase Japanese things from overpriced import sites. And if one of you lot can find us a way to get hold of that thing, then I'll let you have my Xbox 360 "The Outfit" faceplate.

Actually, I think you can probably have that anyway. Sob. All my toys are rubbish!

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