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Sakurai to direct Smash Bros.

Series creator returns for Rev.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of the Super Smash Bros. series, is to direct a new instalment for the Nintendo Revolution.

In an interview with Famitsu magazine, Sakurai revealed that he became involved in the project following a meeting with Satoru Iwata at E3 2005.

Although Sakurai had left Nintendo in 2003 to set up his own company, Sora, Iwata was keen to ensure that he'd be there to oversee the first Smash Bros. game for the Revolution - and Sakurai agreed to take on the role of both game designer and director.

Since E3 took place in May, it seems that Smash Bros. Revolution can't have been in development for more than six months or so - which means we may have a while to wait yet.

Sakurai did not reveal any more details of the game, unfortunately - all we know so far is that he's directing and that it'll make use of Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection service. And that it's going to be absolutely brilliant, if it's anything like as good as the excellent GameCube title Super Smash Bros. Melee. Here's hoping...

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