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Playtest Romanians In Space

How could you not want to?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Great news for fans of games about Eastern European nations taking over the galaxy - 2 Bad Design is offering you the chance to playtest their latest effort, Romanians In Space.

Billed as a 3D space simulator, the game is set in an alternate reality where Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu conquers the US in 1988. Within a decade, he has taken over the rest of the world to become emperor of planet Earth.

Fast forward a hundred years, to when the Romanians are a bit bored of global domination and are seeking a new challenge. The new emperor, Traian Basescu, announces that they'll have conquered the galaxy within 30 years. Naturally, the Romanians manage this without too much hassle, fighting off any resistance put up by the alien races they encounter.

Still with us? Good. But alas! Now there is a new threat, and it comes from within! Which, as everyone knows, is much worse than those which come from without! Yes, it seems supporters of the former republic of Hungary have set up a new nation on a recently conquered planet. They have claimed independence from the Romanian empire, and want to be left alone to live in freedom.

The Romanians are having none of it, obviously, and Basescu sends out a few squadrons to do over the Hungarians. But they fail their mission - and now a full-scale war has kicked off.

Which is where you come in, playing as a pilot assigned to the 88th fighter squadron of the 3rd Romanian Fleet. Your task is to provide cover for bigger vessels as they take on the Hungarians, and to "viciously murder millions of non-Romanian alien scum," it says here.

Like the sound of it? Then head on over to the sign-up page if you want to take part in the beta. Romanians In Space is out this autumn. Can't wait.

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