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Postal 3 in development

That's a shame.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Following recent news that uniquely awful German film-maker Uwe Boll (House of the Dead, Dungeon Siege) is working on a big-screen adaptation for release in 2007, Running With Scissors has announced that Postal will also be returning to PC monitors - not to mention whatever the hell you plug Xbox 360s into when they're at home (assuming you can actually get one for your home).

Following a brief update on the film ("Uwe Boll IS still the director ... we've already taken the money"), RWS' latest newsletter announces the development of Postal 3: Catharsis for Xbox 360 and PC, and says very little else about it. "Let the questions and suggestions pour forth," it declares.

It's likely that you're already familiar with the Postal series of course - if only by reputation. RWS' top-down original was inspired by the phrase "going postal", which came about in the 80s when a US Postal Service employee got so fed up he went back to work and gunned down his colleagues, and was one of the most offensively made games ever. And not just in the "Quick, meeja-hacks - to the moralismobile!" stakes, but also in terms of how boring it was to play. The sequel, a first-person shooter, was even worse. Most people remember it because you could kill racially stereotyped shopkeepers and then piss on them.

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