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LEGO Star Wars II demo

No one's forcing you to try.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

LucasArts and Traveller's Tales' LEGO Star Wars sequel, which takes players on a tour of the original Star Wars Trilogy, is available to try out in PC demo form.

The demo is 438MB and has Luke and Obi-Wan wandering through Mos Eisley in the first film section.

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy aims to expand on the brilliance of the first LSW, which saw players hot-swapping between heroes and villains of the prequel-trilogy on a bouncy and stupidly enjoyable no-death adventure. For more on the game, including videos, check out is game-page.

Oh, and for that authentic Original Trilogy experience in trying it out of course, make sure you download today's demo from a site that forms an orderly queue around the Internet block. And breathe deeply while you wait.

The full game's due out later this year.

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