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Heavenly new screenshots

From Ninja Theory's PS3 fighter.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Ninja Theory (the developer formerly known as Just Add Monsters) has released some spanky new screenshots for PS3 kung fu fighter Heavenly Sword. You can find them here.

They've also updated the Ninja Theory website with some developer diaries and a pic of the team alongside Sony mac daddy Ken Kutaragi, who dropped in for tea and cakes and a look at the game recently.

Oh, and any jobseeking developers take note - Ninja Theory is currently hiring, and they've just moved to new offices in Cambridge so they'll have enough space for all the extra team members. Details of how to apply for a position are on the website.

To learn more about Heavenly Sword, read our exclusive interview with design director Tameem Antoniades here.

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