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NBA Live 07 for PS3 launch

Along with other sporty games.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

EA's planning to have more than one of its sports titles available at the launch of PlayStation 3, the company said yesterday.

That shouldn't come as a surprise obviously, as EA's typically very supportive of platform launches - even rustling up four games (of varying quality) for the Xbox 360's rollout last Christmas.

And that's not to mention the cringeworthy pledge of support made by EA head honcho Larry Probst at E3. "Kutaragi-san, thank you for your leadership and vision - you can count on EA's support every step of the way," he told an audience at Sony's conference. Blegh.

Anyway, the first confirmed title among those - and the centre of yesterday's announcement - was NBA Live 07, which is also due out on Xbox 360, Xbox, PS2, PSP and PC this autumn.

Oh, and apparently they simulated the NBA Finals using the game and Dallas Mavericks beat Miami Heat in seven games. Sads!

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