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See some X360 prototypes

Wonder why they were rejected.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Did you catch BBC2's The Money Programme on Friday? If so, you'll know all about Microsoft's launch plans for the Xbox 360 - described by UK Xbox boss Neil Thompson as "the most powerful console ever seen on the planet." You can read a full summary of the show over on the BBC website.

The Money Programme also offered a look at some of the design prototypes that were rejected, presumably for being rather rubbish. Judge for yourself by having a look at the screengrabs taken by US website Next-Gen - they're not of brilliant quality, unfortunately, but you get the idea.

There's just weeks to go now until the Xbox 360 launches in Europe and the battle to be the number one console truly kicks off. But Sony's Phil Harrison isn't too worried, telling the BBC: "Certainly PlayStation Portable is going to be the number one gift at Christmas."

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Xbox VP Peter Moore would disagree. "We're not overly concerned about the PSP," he said.

Let battle commence...

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