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Activision's next-gen plans

Three for PS3, and one for Rev.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Activision's latest financial report has revealed details of the company's plans to publish a range of titles for all three next-generation consoles.

Between April this year and March 2007, Activision will release four Xbox 360 titles - including X-Men: The Official Movie Game (working title, thankfully).

The publisher will also bring us three PlayStation 3 games and one for the Nintendo Revolution, none of which were specifically listed by name in the report.

However, it does state that movie tie-ins for Shrek 3 and Spider-Man 3 will be out the following fiscal year (some time between April '07 and March '08, in other words).

Although Activision didn't mention which platforms these games are in development for, we'd bet you $816.2 million (that's the amount of net revenue the publisher made during the third quarter, financial postings fans) that they'll appear on at least one next-gen console - and in all likelihood, the lot of 'em.

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