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BG&E demo released

Save the world. Or something. Where's my coffee?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Ubisoft has released a three-level demo of Michel Ancel's Beyond Good & Evil, a game that can't seem to make up its mind about what to be. When we played it at ECTS, we remarked that it took lots of different approaches and some worked better than others. It even confused onlookers used to pigeonholing games into single categories (we must have watched two or three people walk off after a cursory glance with a different misapprehension). However this demo is singing from the same hymn sheet, with three distinct sections (combat, stealth and pursuit) each with simple controls and hugely different objectives.

None of which is to say it's a bad game. Or games. In fact, we rather enjoyed it, and will be downloading this demo just as soon as we've finished our buttered crumpets. You can too, if the 106MB file size doesn't put you off. 3D Gamers has it.

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