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Bully given firm Euro date

Sorry - Canis Canem Edit.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The game formerly known as Bully will be released on October 27th in Europe, Rockstar told Eurogamer this afternoon.

Recently renamed "Canis Canem Edit" for Europe (it's the Latin for Dog Eat Dog, apparently), the game has courted controversy blah blah blah blah blah.

But we had a crack on it recently and were quite taken with it - and how different it was to the child-stamping horror the people protesting it claimed it would be. Funny that.

And now we've only got a little while to wait. To celebrate, why not check out the latest trailer on Eurogamer TV, or marvel at the packshot we brought you last week?

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