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Mace Griffin demo

Bounty Hunters, eh? Jango all the way...

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

"What is your name?"

"Err, errr, it's [sees a woman dousing a man's face in panic chemical] Mace! Mace... um, arrr, errr, oh, arr [sees mythological beast wafting past the camera] Griffin! Mace Griffin. Ah damn."

Guess who it is! Yes, Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter - at your service. And he's normally a lot subtler and harder to trace - the confusion of two publishers, the lack of American availability, the question of who or what inspired his creation, and the rank indifference of the critics.

But fear not, readers, because a former pop starlet and our Emerald Isle correspondent will be taking a look at Mace in the near future. In the meantime though, we would encourage anybody with a passion for hunting to think about the poor bushy-tailed animals under their sights. What did they ever do to you? Save the whip and boots for the bedroom.

Instead, kick back with Mace, and perhaps enjoy this 121MB playable demo. It's got to be better than Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, right?

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