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Reservoir Dogs Xbox recalled

Due to printing error. Oops.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Eidos has confirmed to Eurogamer that the Xbox version of movie tie-in Reservoir Dogs has been removed from shop shelves following a muckup down the printers'.

The game went on sale in the UK last Friday. Although the PC and PlayStation 2 versions are still available, all you Xbox gamers will have to wait a while longer to get your hands on a copy.

"Eidos has recalled the Xbox version of Reservoir Dogs due to a printing error," a spokesperson said.

"We are working with retail to rectify the situation as quickly as possible."

It's thought that the game has been withdrawn because the 18 certificate logo was not printed on the Xbox discs. However, Eidos has yet to confirm that this is the case, and did not give any indication as to when the game will go back on sale, or how big of a smack upside the head the printers are getting.

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