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New Vita arcade game SunFlowers due this autumn

The sun is in your hand!

Update: Commenter Soulblitz pointed out that this actually came out yesterday on iOS for $3.99. Good eye!

Original story: SunFlowers, an upcoming Vita game about gardening, is due this autumn.

Detailed on the PlayStation Blog, The Game Atelier's SunFlowers places players in the role of the sun as it shoots down rays of sunlight to grow the flowers below. If sunlight hits the flowers directly, they'll catch fire and burn, so you have to aim for moving clouds which will convert the sunlight into a raindrop. Stormclouds should be avoided though as they'll turn your sunbeams into lightning.

As flowers reach maturity, two new seeds will pop out on each side of it. When a seed lands in an empty space, it will be planted, but if it lands next to a flower it'll bounce until it reaches a clear slot. This create combos.

Fully grown flowers will be added to your virtual garden and players can exchange flora via Near functionality.

The game will have 330 flowers among two different worlds, and the rarer flowers will only appear on the game's harder difficulty settings.

SunFlowers will make use of the Vita functionality, and lead game designer Dr. Lakav explained that the game will have seasonal weather effects and if autumn leaves cover your flowers, you'll have to shake the Vita to rustle them loose.

See SunFlowers in action in the debut trailer below.

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