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New The Last of Us trailer portrays its lead in a different light

Set to Hank Williams Sr.'s Alone and Forsaken.

A new trailer for Naughty Dog's upcoming The Last of Us has emerged from Sony's Gamescom press event in which we see an even nastier side of protagonist Joel who already bashed people's faces in until they were nothing but a puddle of mush.

Set to the tune of Hank William Sr.'s Alone and Forsaken we see Joel engage in a series of brutal smackdowns as he and his charge Ellie attempt to track their way through the post-apocalyptic ruins of Pittsburgh.

When Ellie asks Joel how he knew about the ambush he solemnly remarks that he's been on both sides, suggesting he used to be a rather bloodthirsty bandit himself. You don't learn to fight like that filling out tax reports, after all.

Check out the viscous violence below.

Just whose side is he on?

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