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New Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee HD details at Eurogamer Expo

Lorne Lanning to announce exclusive details during developer session.

Yay! We can announce more stuff! Today we're very pleased to reveal that this year's Eurogamer Expo will include a developer session for Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee HD. Oddworld Inhabitants megaboss Lorne Lanning is flying over from California to present it and share brand new details about the game with attendees.

Lanning and UK studio Just Add Water, which is the exclusive developer of titles based on the Oddworld brand, will be on stage at 2.30pm on Sunday 30th September to talk about the history of the series and showcase Abe HD.

After an extended silence on the subject, this week the developer session line-up started to take shape, with Hideo Kojima confirmed for the first day of the show and the newly announced Grid 2 lined up for Saturday.

We have absolutely loads more to announce, I promise. At the moment we are chasing publishers around their inboxes and internal bureaucracies so that we can tell you more about the others, which we will do as soon as we can. We will probably be quiet on the subject next week during Gamescom, but should kick back into action the following week with some more big reveals.

For a handy index of all the Expo announcements so far, check out the Eurogamer Expo topic page. You can buy your tickets for the show and find out more details over at

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