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New Medal of Honor and Black Ops 2 TV adverts for Champions League final

Will you Bayern?

In a battle to precede the war, both EA and Activision will debut new television adverts for their shooter mega-series Call of Duty and Medal of Honor during Saturday's Champions League final.

The world TV premiere of Medal of Honor: Warfighter, as EA is billing it, will air during half-time at 8.30pm UK time.

It's not known when the Black Ops 2 advert will be shown.

This won't be the first we've seen of either game, as both titles have been exposed to us in two videos apiece so far.

The Champions League final between Bayern Munich and Chelsea will be shown on ITV1/ITV1 HD and Sky Sports 1/Sky Sports HD. The game kicks off at 7.45 pm UK time.

The Black Ops 2 reveal.

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