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New Half-Minute Hero unveiled for XBLA

Super Mega Neo Climax out next month.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Retro-fabulous PSP turbo-JRPG Half-Minute Hero is coming to Xbox Live Arcade next month, developer Marvelous Entertainment has confirmed.

Due out on 29th June, Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax will set you back 800 Points.

The excellent PSP original, which launched last in February last year, tasked you with saving the world in just 30 seconds via various mini-quests. Check out the trailer which follows the story for a better idea of how the bonkers concept works in practice.

According to the XBLA game's just-launched website, there are "60 entire RPGs" to be completed in the new version and what appears to be a standalone online versus mode called Super Hero Wars.

You can feast your eyes on a rather delightful set of screenshots below.

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