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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 teaser goes all Deus Ex on us

UPDATE: Square Enix pokes fun at Human Revolution similarities.

UPDATE 24/4/15 9.20am: We're not the only ones to notice Deus Ex undertones in the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 trailer.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Mankind Divided art director Jonathan Jacques-Belletête offered his own thoughts via Twitter last night, saying:

"We lied guyz," he added. "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided actually takes place on the Eastern Front during World War 2. We felt inspired."

The official Deus Ex Twitter account also waded in, and in the following series of images summed the situation up perfectly:

ORIGINAL STORY 23/4/15 7.15pm: A new Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 teaser has given us a taste of the tone and premise of Treyarch's upcoming sequel and it looks more than a bit like Deus Ex.

Watch on YouTube

This three-minute trailer features no in-game footage, but has lots of talk about mankind's eerily strong potential with cybernetic implants and prosthetic limbs. Featuring a documentary-like approach covering how mankind evolves over the next 50 years, this teaser shows us augmented professional athletes, soldiers, and a comically overt reference to Edward Snowden with a future NSA whistleblower leaking trade secrets while wearing rectangular specs.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution had a similar marketing campaign, taking a faux documentary approach to very real tech before placing it in a crazy game about the illuminati.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will have its official reveal this Sunday, 26th April.

Comparatively, this was Deus Ex: Human Revolution's fake documentary about cybernetically augmented humans.Watch on YouTube

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