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Netflix's live-action Assassin's Creed signs Die Hard writer

Also creator of Vikings spin-off.

The live-action Assassin's Creed series in the works at Netflix has signed up Jeb Stuart as its writer, according to Variety.

Most recently, and perhaps most relevantly, Stuart created Vikings spin-off Vikings: Valhalla, a spin-off from the popular Norse telly drama which is also Netflix-bound.

Further back, more years than I care to mention, Stuart also wrote the screenplay for the legendary Die Hard.

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Is Stuart's signing a signal the Netflix Assassin's Creed show will also feature Vikings, similar to last year's hugely-popular Assassin's Creed Valhalla? It seems too soon to draw any conclusions.

Ubisoft has typically used its spin-offs - such as that Michael Fassbender movie - to explore new time periods not touched by its main video games. It has yet to say where the Netfix show will be set, or who it might star.

Back in April, I sat down with Ubisoft's loremasters of the Assassin's Creed extended universe to pick through the franchise's many upcoming spin-off projects, and we touched on what to expect from the Netflix series.

"We have secured a couple of talents and are working with them on the show," transmedia director Aymar Azaïzia told me. "We don't have anything more to announce apart from we're working on it and have been taking our time. We learnt a lot from the movie and have a really strong team behind it, and I'm super hopeful and super happy for the format. I think the TV series format works better to craft an Assassin's Creed story.

"You have to pack so many things for newcomers in a movie - you have to deal with multiple timelines, Assassins, Templars, Isu... you have to come up with something cleaner, or you can have a TV show where you can pace it in a different fashion and take your time."

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