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MS will support Blu-ray, says Ballmer

Reckons it's time to move on.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer has admitted the company is looking at ways to support Blu-ray following the demise of poor old HD-DVD.

Speaking at the Mix08 conference, as reported by SeattlePI, Ballmer said, "We've already been working on, for example, in Windows, device driver support for Blu-ray drives and the like.

"I think the world moves on," he continued. "Toshiba has moved on. We've moved on, and we'll support Blu-ray in ways that make sense."

Ballmer did not make any specific mention of Blu-ray in relation to gaming - but it's looking increasingly likely Microsoft could announce a player add-on for Xbox 360.

The Financial Times yesterday reported on similar comments from Sony executive Stan Glasgow. Microsoft tried to distance itself from his statement, but not very hard.

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