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More details on Fallout's The Pitt

AutoAxe, slavery, a potential cure.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Bethesda has revealed more details on Fallout 3's upcoming second downloadable pack, The Pitt, in the pages of this month's Official Xbox Magazine in the UK.

The Pitt - set in Pittsburgh, obviously - consists of an abandoned steel yard (apparently a dungeon, of sorts) and a settlement divided between the slaves in Downtown and their masters in Haven.

One of the significant quests will involve chatting up Raiders rather than fighting them, as you infiltrate their numbers to try and reach the Raider boss, who may have discovered a cure for mutation.

There will also be side quests, unique items (including the "AutoAxe") and - according to a separate interview in Game Informer - three new perks (including "Auto Axpert") and a population of scampering mutant "Trogs".

The Pitt is due out for Xbox 360 and PC in March, following on from January's Operation: Anchorage.

We've previously been told that The Pitt is accessed via an underground railroad and is a separate area to the Capital Wasteland.

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