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Missile Command for XBLA

This Wednesday.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Atari has announced that Missile Command will be this week's addition to Xbox Live Arcade, with the game set to go live on Wednesday, 4th July at the usual time. It will cost 400 Microsoft points (GBP 3.40 / EUR 4.65).

Based on the arcade classic of the same name, this version has been ported over by Stainless Games, with an "evolved" visual look available for those of you who don't fancy staring at the creaky old-days graphics. It'll run up to 1080p resolution, with full-scene anti-aliasing and surround sound.

You'll still be able to look at it the old way, of course. You can get a taste for what to expect from both takes in our Missile Command Xbox Live Arcade screenshot gallery.

And of course, this being an Xbox Live Arcade oldie, you'll be able to compare scores with your friends via leaderboards, unlock up to 12 Achievements for a total of 200 gamerpoints, and try out a demo version before you fork over the points.

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