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Mirror's Edge Catalyst won't let you use guns, ever

"We've completely removed that aspect of the game."

Mirror's Edge Catalyst has completely removed shooting from the series.

Who needs guns when you can mix wall-running with punching?

"In Mirror's Edge Catalyst, you won't be using any guns at all," senior producer Sara Jansson said in an interview with Polygon. "We've completely removed that aspect of the game. You can't even pick them up."

Instead, players will go the Batman route of pummeling foes only insofar as to incapacitate them, but not shed their mortal coil.

Furthermore, staying in motion actually keeps player character Faith impervious to bullets. "When she stitches together move after move without failing and keeps her momentum going, she's actually invulnerable to bullets," Jansson explained. "That can keep her out of harm's way. It's only when she stops that she can get hurt."

Mirror's Edge Catalyst is slated for a 26th February release in Europe (and 23rd in North America) on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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