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Microsoft taking on XBL scammers

Stolen MS Points could be invalidated.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft has launched a counter-attack against hackers who used an Xbox Live exploit earlier this week to thieve huge numbers of MS Points.

According to a statement handed down to Gamasutra, the platform holder intends to invalidate ill-gotten codes and track down the perpetrators.

"We are aware of the situation and have taken steps to invalidate the codes obtained illegitimately," it read.

"We take safety and security very seriously and require that Xbox Live members use the service in compliance with applicable laws and specifically prohibit people from engaging in illegal activity as a part of our Terms of Use and Code of Conduct.

"Our Policy and Enforcement team is evaluating whether or not certain individuals have violated the Terms of Use for Xbox Live and will take the appropriate enforcement on an individual basis. Codes obtained legitimately by users will not be impacted."

Microsoft also insisted that the $1.2 million dollar figure that early reports claim the scam had cost the platform holder was well wide of the mark.

"We can't share specific numbers, but the figure is nowhere near the amount that has been reported," explained a spokesperson.

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