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Microsoft reveals loads of indies developing for Xbox One

UPDATE: Microsoft ditches exclusivity requirement.

UPDATE: Microsoft has ditched its platform exclusivity requirement for Xbox One.

Microsoft required exclusivity, timed exclusivity or at the very least launch date parity for Xbox 360 games - but it has confirmed it is willing to work with developers on a case-by-case for games that have already released on other platforms when it comes to Xbox One.

"We do not require exclusivity agreements. However, we do ask for day one parity with other console game platforms," a Microsoft spokesperson told SavyGamer.

"In instances where games have signed a timed exclusive with another platform, we'll work with them on a case by case basis."

The question was raised today after Microsoft announced the list of developers approved for self-publishing on Xbox One as part of the ID@Xbox program. On the list are developers working on games for Xbox One that have already released on PlayStation, including Iron Galaxy's Divekick.

ORIGINAL STORY: Microsoft has reiterated that it's "working behind the scenes to set up the system that will enable any retail Xbox One to serve as a dev kit," but in the meantime the hardware manufacturer has revealed a tonne of developers that have signed up to produce content through the Xbox One's indie development program ID@Xbox.

So far the list of 32 developers pursuing self-publishing via ID@Xbox is as follows:

Will Spy Party appear on Xbox One? Given that it's the only announced thing Chris Hecker has been working on, it seems likely.
  • Comcept - for Mighty No. 9
  • Inis
  • Vlambeer - "considering" Nuclear Throne for Xbox One
  • Double Eleven
  • Slightly Mad Studios - for Project Cars
  • Born Ready - will announce new games in 2014
  • Crytek - "We support the ID@Xbox program and we think it is a great opportunity for developers working with CryEngine to create and publish their games on Xbox One. We look forward to publishing our own games on the platform in future."
  • Happion Labs (Jamie Fristrom) - Energy Hook
  • Definition 6 (Chris Hecker) - Spy Party
  • Team 17 - "we're a founding member of the ID@Xbox program, which is something we've been pushing for since 2009 to self-publish. We're also delighted to be working with Sony on a PS4 title. However, those titles are something I'll be able to talk more about in full next year!"
  • Panic Button
  • Double Fine
  • Drinkbox (Chris McQuinn) - "Can't quite say a whole lot atm, mainly because we're not too sure ourselves, but, I can confirm that we are working on a Xbox One title. As for working with MS - well - it's still really really early, so get back to me in a few months on that question."
  • Team Colorblind
  • Signal Studios
  • Zen Studios - "We are not ready to announce actual titles just yet, but we have several projects in the works and should be able to talk about them after the beginning of the year."
  • Bongfish
  • Half-Brick
  • Ninja Bee
  • Zeboyd Games - Cosmic Star Heroine
  • Nicalis
  • The Men Who Wear Many Hats
  • Iron Galaxy - Divekick
  • Jackbox Games
  • High Voltage Software
  • Capybara
  • Hidden Path
  • Gaijin Games
  • The Odd Gentlemen
  • WayForward
  • Other Ocean
  • Behaviour

"The list above is not at all complete," noted director of ID@Xbox Chris Charla on the Xbox News Wire. "It's just a first selection of the hugely diverse complement of developers who are working on bringing games to Xbox One via ID@Xbox beginning early next year."

Of course, the developers listed aren't necessarily developing exclusive content, but chances are some of them are and it's a promising line-up after Microsoft failed to ignite the indie scene following the Xbox One's initial reveal.

"We've shipped dev kits to more than 50 developers and are ramping up our efforts to get kits into more developers' hands," Charla added. "We want to make Xbox One a great platform for developers of all scales and sizes for years to come. We've been amazed at the response from developers to ID@Xbox, and we really appreciate their patience as we ramp up the program."

"It's been great to see the diversity in developers who are joining the ID@Xbox program. Interest in ID@Xbox has been global - from Japan to Finland, developers in more than 50 countries are excited to get their games on Xbox One."

Those who successfully apply to the ID@Xbox program receive two Xbox One dev kits and an Xbox One-only Unity Pro seat license free of charge, among other perks.

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