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Metamorphabet is out now on Steam

S is for Steam, sale, Seumas McNally Grand Prize finalist...

Metamorphabet, an interactive alphabet experience Chris Donlan described as "Videodrome and Goodnight Moon all squished together", is out now on Steam.

Vectorpark's latest allows players to go through each letter of the alphabet as its transforms itself into various, often quietly disturbing, shapes accentuating words beginning with that letter. N will reveal itself to house a neighborhood of, well, neighbors, before sprouting a giant nose; L forms lizards that start marching in a giant loop full of logs; and C transforms into a caterpillar driving a car. Every new limb and concept a letter evolves into can be interacted with in some capacity.

Metamorphabet was also the winner of IGF Excellence in Visual Art Award and a finalist for the Seumas McNally Grand Prize.

It's currently on sale for 20 per cent off at £3.19 / $3.99 until 6th May. Or you can snag it on iTunes for £2.99 / $3.99.

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