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Mass Effect 3 Wii U includes day-one DLC From Ashes as standard

PC, PS3, Xbox 360 paid DLC to be included.

Mass Effect 3: Special Edition for Wii U will include the From Ashes add-on, which launched as a paid day-one DLC pack on other platforms.

Those who played the game on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 had to stump up £7.99/800 Microsoft Points for the content, which includes an extra squad member and missions.

Nintendo UK confirmed the detail in a press release seen by Eurogamer today.

From Ashes includes an important chunk of in-game lore and a character of importance to the series' back-story. Early leaked versions of the Mass Effect 3 script included a version of this character as part of the main game. As the game's story evolved, the character was side-lined and eventually sold separately from the finished product.

Other changes in the Mass Effect 3: Special Edition for Wii U include GamePad controls, the inclusion of the recent Extended Cut ending as standard, and a digital comic covering the events of Mass Effect 1 and 2.

"We're very conscious of not wanting to mess up," boss of Mass Effect 3 Wii U developer Straight Right Tom Crago explained to Eurogamer last week. "Given the level of expectation and the fact that we're taking something which, on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and PC, was exceptionally good."

"You look at the game and think 'how could I possibly make this better?'"

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